RIP Clive Dunn

Dear all,


As a firm believer in the fact that Dad’s Army is the greatest programme in the history of the world, I feel it only right to praise the wonderful Clive Dunn (Corporal Jones) who died this week. I never have been able to pick a stand out character from the show because they were all so oustanding, the main reason it was so good of course, but Jones was certainly responsible for some of my favourite moments.


Like many, I loved his Continue reading “RIP Clive Dunn”

The parking ticket story…

Dear all,


A ludicrous ‘it could only happen to Dan’ story coming up but first let me bring you up to speed. I am almightily knackered after a drive-tastic weekend with little sleep but some great gigs made it all worthwhile. Best of all was Friday’s gig in Reeth with the mighty Alistair Anderson. The man is a phenomenon, an amazing presence and such a great night. Apologies for my rather downbeat last blog, but this sure as hell put a smile on my face! Lots more to come with Mr Anderson next year I hope.


Next up was Manchester and the parking ticket story (see later). Anyway, it was an unusual gig as it was a restaurant performance at Jack Spratt’s but it was really nice. It was great

Continue reading “The parking ticket story…”

One extraordinary gig

Dear all,


Well firstly thanks once again to the fantastic Seth Lakeman and band for a wonderful time guesting on their tour. I so enjoyed playing the songs I played on with them and it was a great experience. I hope it’s not the end of the Seth collaborations, we shall see what happens! Buxton and Birmingham were both wonderful anyway and the audiences were fantastic. Thanks to all those who’ve twatted and facebooked at me about the gigs, I’m glad to have made any kind of difference.


Fantastic news as well – I have recorded my banjo part on the new single by the Levellers. I can’t tell you anymore about the single yet as it’s not out, but I can tell you I did the session Continue reading “One extraordinary gig”

How to feel like a plank

Dear all,


Well it’s not been too long since my last blog but I thought I’d update you particularly as I have a rant to get off my chest, a bizarre sighting and a classic ‘could only happen to Dan’ experience, although this one through my stupidity rather than bad luck. Anyway first things first, the Seth gigs continue to be much fun. I’ll be sorry when the last two which are this week are over, but I hope there may be more in the future. Manchester was excellent as we played at the Royal Northern College of Music which is where Seth’s percussionist Cormac Byrne studied. It was a cracking gig and much fun was had. Next up was Scunthorpe, Continue reading “How to feel like a plank”

Mars bars

Dear all,


So the Seth Lakeman gigs began on Tuesday in Shrewsbury at the Severn Theatre which was a fantastic experience. I was amazed by the sheer number of photos Seth is asked to pose in with girls! The man has quite an effect on them all…he is also an amazing performer and it was great to do. I do so again tonight in Manchester and then tomorrow in Scunthorpe. Thanks to those who have twatted at me to tell me how much you enjoyed it. I also did a very Continue reading “Mars bars”


Dear all,


Well I need to make a vegement attack and defence of my iphone but should tell you something else first: I am delighted to announce that Haystack Music are now my agent. Hopefully they shall fill up my calendar next year and you’ll be seeing more of me and the band and Alistair and whoever else!


So the iphone…the attack is based on the fact that despite as mentioned in my previous entry, I have discovered how to make the screen larger and thus type a little more easily, the blasted thing is Continue reading “Surprises”

Golf – a radio sport?

Dear all,


Amazing night as ever at Joxers last night thank you one and all for a much needed boost. It never ceases to amaze me the generosity and support from the people of Stafford and I am always grateful for it. It was a really fun night, fairly raucous but that’s the beauty of a pub gig! Delighted that another great review of the new CD is in. Three all excellent and another load to follow very imminently – I am very pleased about this.


Anyway I had to blog, well of course Continue reading “Golf – a radio sport?”

The Levellers

Dear all,


Just to say it was a great experience last night playing a song with the Levellers at Buxton Opera House. They sure know how to work a crowd and to top it all they’re really good guys as well. A great night was had, and I thoroughly enjoyed the Moulettes as well who were outstanding. Tonight I’m back home playing Joxer Brady’s in Stafford from 9 til God knows when.


All the best,


I’m back!

Dear all,

Huge apologies for the lack of bloggage and for the mysterious goings on on my homepage. I have recently ended up with an iphone would you believe? It’s a quite remarkable contraption capable of astonishing things for a mere machine. The one bugger with it is it’s so dashed complicated it takes a muppet like me considerable time to get to grips with it. The particular feature I struggled with was how to enlarge the internet view so I could actually see it without all hell breaking Continue reading “I’m back!”