
Dear all,


Just a note of apology to those who went along to my scheduled Cambridge gig last night. I have been in touch with those I know but anyone else do let me know. I have never ever done what I did last night before but I am not prepared to be messed around as the alleged organiser messed me around and there comes a point when enough is enough. I won’t go into more details, but it really is an it only happens to Dan story! First an enquiry followed by a ‘we’ll let you know’ then a not letting me know and a chasing up and a ‘yes let’s do that date’ then a ‘oh that’s normally a session can you do this date’ then a ‘no I Continue reading “Cambridge”

Licensing Laws

Dear all,


Many thanks for all the lovely emails you’ve been sending about my gigs and indeed blogs (the Thatcher one particularly!). It’s been a while since I’ve updated what’s been happening so lots to tell you.


30th March – Joxers

Well I know you’re probably all bored of me singing the praises of this place…but there’s a reason. Even by Joxers standards this was an all time classic. Thank you one and all for a superb night!


31st March – Angel Wooler


Then it was a trip up North to do some mentoring for a student who’s interested in bluegrass. This I enjoyed very much but while up there Simma and I did a strangely crap covers gig at the Angel, Wooler which is normally our favourite gig. Ah well can’t have everything but we certainly had fun Continue reading “Licensing Laws”

A sad legacy, but no excuse for cruelty

Margaret Thatcher, surely the most divisive of all politicians, is gone. As with just about everything she ever did in her political life, her death has provoked extreme reactions and in turn a multitude of reactions to those reactions. Both her legacy and what might perhaps be termed ‘death etiquette’ make interesting studies but the two are very seperate things. Her legacy is of course immense and no-one can possibly deny the sheer impact of Thatcher as a prime minister and a public figure. What is rapidly approaching a majority of the British public regard politicians and politics with almost a shrug of the shoulders now with phrases like ‘they’re all the same’ commonplace. With Thatcher, that is almost impossible to hear.


So was she the savior of Britain or a reckless, evil woman who destroyed the social fabric of the country? One of the most common arguments is the former and that Britain ‘needed’ her and her ruthless approach. Much of this is directed at her ‘taking on the unions’ who had become too powerful. Few, even on the left, can reasonably Continue reading “A sad legacy, but no excuse for cruelty”

Please come up with a name!

Dear all,


I’m going to go to the title straight away here: PLEASE HELP ME COME UP WITH A NAME! Basically, I am going to tour in November with a British-Indian fusion trio, very exciting. However, I’m dashed if I can think of a name for it. It needs to be obvious what is without being ridiculous. So Afro Celt Sound System was a good example – does exactly what it says on the tin and isn’t crap. While Nic’s suggestion of Royal Britabla undeniably made me laugh, it doesn’t quite do the job…


Anyway while you’re pondering on that, let me tell you what’s been happening. So last time I wrote from a phenomenally wet Truro ahead of my gig at the Eden Project Cafe in St Austell which was certainly an enjoyable gig if a tad more intimate than planned! However, the weather was shite so it was hardly surprising and actually Continue reading “Please come up with a name!”

Six times in two weeks?!

Dear all,


Well I write to you from a disappointingly sodden Truro in Cornwall. Absolutely persisiting it down as it has been all ruddy day! How on earth did I manage to get 2 sunny weeks in Scotland in February yet heavy rain in Cornwall in March?! Anyway the day began a mite stressfully with a fairly awful journey from Exeter which meant I arrived for my live session on BBC Radio Cornwall a little closer to the due time than planned but I made it and enjoyed my chat and play with Pam, Continue reading “Six times in two weeks?!”

Stag parties generally means twits

Dear all,


Well Scotland finished last weekend. That’s not to say the country finished obviously, I mean my visit to it finished. St Andrews was an absolute joy, a real pleasure. I arrived and dreaded it immediately courtesy of a group of complete twerps who were in on a stag party. I tell you what this feels like an end of blog rant so read on for more…anyway the gig was wonderful, a real joy. Everyone seemed to love bluegrass which is always good by me of course. Best of all I managed to meet up again with Stuart McGregor, a sterling chap who I hadn’t seen in many years. He was the reason I went to Continue reading “Stag parties generally means twits”

Power on…just

Dear all,


Well since my last entry it was the Loch Ness in Drumnadrochit on Wednesday which was good and then legendary Grog and Gruel last night which went ahead…just. The power went off and it seemed the night was off, especially when the power company told us so but fortunately it unexpectedly returned so all was fine. Off to St Andrews today and then the borders on Saturday before finishing my Scottish stint in Glasgow on Sunday.


Do check out the photos section, there are now lots of photos from my Indian venture. Awfully exciting!



No ordinary house concert

Dear all,


I write to you from my uncle’s house in Prestwick, Ayrshire where I’m spending my day off today before gigging returns tomorrow in Drumnadrochit. A cracking (for very different reasons) couple of gigs to tell you about. First up was the legendary Market Bar in Inverness, always a wonderfully weird and eventful gig. Last time I played it a girl randomly punched someone in the face on the way out but thankfully that didn’t happen this time. I always turn up at the Market and think what on earth do I do this for again but then it’s always a barrel of laughs and appreciative (if drunken) audience Continue reading “No ordinary house concert”

A gig made by scousers

Dear all,


Much fun was had in the Grog last night thanks in no small part to a cracking group of scousers who walked in and immediately brought the place to life with their quick wit and smiles. It was a really fun night and I had a great chat with them afterwards as well. By an amazing coincidence, there was also a woman from Stafford who used to work with my dad and who last saw me when I was about 4! She was also lovely and helped to make the gig so enjoyable.


So then, a little story to Continue reading “A gig made by scousers”