Dear all,
Just a note to say I have had an article published on the website Leftcentral on my favourite minister (!) Michael Gove…
Dear all,
Just a note to say I have had an article published on the website Leftcentral on my favourite minister (!) Michael Gove…
Dear all,
So I suppose I’d better comment on that daft viola player who threw eggs at Simon Cowell. Firstly, my views on Britain’s Got Talent and similar shows I’m sure are well known and indeed have been chronicled in an interview I did with writer Leon Bailey-Green elsewhere on the web, but let me give you a quick resume. I am not a fan. That was quick. Ok a little more…these shows are stifling the industry and I am if I’m honest staggered at how many people in Britain are so easily impressed. Just because someone can sing vaguely in tune or play a few chords on the guitar and are not the Continue reading “Good to see Cowell get egged but…” →
I forgot to add this to my previous blog…
I am an avid Rolling Stones fan. I have been for as long as I can remember and they have a special place for me as well because they are my mum’s heroes. So I say this with great reluctance…but Mick Jagger will you stop being such an utter prat all the time? I read in the Independent recently about the US tour not going so well in terms of ticket sales because, amazingly, people didn’t want to pay £400 or whatever ridiculous amount it was for a ticket to see a band who are, let’s be fair, not exactly at their peak (although still well worth seeing I do admit). I mean how much money do these guys need? Their tours are far and away the highest grossing tours in history so I can’t believe they’re exactly badly off…
Then Jagger excelled himself recently. The Stones are headlining Glastonbury this year and are apparently unwilling to let the BBC film the set in case it’s not that good. I’m sorry, if you are a professional musician and headlining the biggest music festival in the country you bloody well should be good! And if you let yourself down on the night, that is your problem. Get over yourself Mick – if you ain’t good enough to sing anymore then don’t. If you think you are, take what’s coming. I mean one of the excuses I’ve heard is ‘anything could happen, what if the weather’s bad?’. What if the ruddy weather’s bad?! Who cares?! This is the biggest band still going with hits like Satisfaction, Honky Tonk Women and Jumpin Jack Flash – are you seriously telling me they wouldn’t be able to enthuse thousands of people singing along even if it was a bit wet?
Dear all,
What a pleasure of a weekend that was! First up it was off to the first ever Bamfest in Yorkshire. It went rather well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Originally, it was supposed to be with Christi Andropolis but she was unfortunately not very well so it was just myself. Thanks to Paul Arrowsmith and co for having me. Then it was a loooooong drive to Inverness to play Northern Roots festival. Special thanks to Bruce McGregor for having me and it was a royal blast including a surprise guest appearance with Rob Heron and the Teapad Orchestra. Then finally Monday night I was in Perth to play a Continue reading “The return of it can only happen to Dan – the bank episode” →
It was a sign of the times when Ian Paisley jnr was almost ridiculed on last week’s Question Time for his staunch opposition to gay marriage. However, he is not alone. Tory MP’s did their best to block the bill they detest so much by tabling an amendment because of the ‘injustice’ of civil partnerships not being available to heterosexual couples as well. It was mere coincidence that this amendment would delay the bill by years and possibly destabilise it altogether. Even in politics, such a blatantly disingenuous manoeuvre leaves a sour taste, but let’s just take it at face value. Would any couple actually want a civil Continue reading “Get over it” →
Dear all,
Well a jolly fine weekend was had close to home. The Stafford Music Festival gig was really lovely, a great crowd and always a pleasure to play in the hometown. Then came a trip to Kingswinford for the Woodman Folk Club which was also wonderful and a good time appeared to be had by all. Saturday brought Rock’n’Bowl festival and outrageously good weather (which was not to last) so that was marvellous too. Best of all my beloved was up for the weekend so we had a lovely time.
Tonight there’s a one-off reunion of Walsh and Pound, at least for ten minutes or so as we play at Kings Place in London as part of Live Music Now’s 35th anniversary celebrations. That brings me neatly onto the subject of this morning’s gig (and you thought I just rambled on about whatever came into my head with no structure at all didn’t you…you have a point). LMN bring music to those who can’t get it and it is some fabulous work which I now do mostly with mandolin maestro Nic Zuppardi. This morning we visited a respite unit for children and adults with profound and multiple learning difficulties. We played to three kids and two staff and it was just amazing. These kids have no speech and it appeared when we arrived that it might be tricky to engage them…not a bit of it! Their faces lit up as they got into the music and they played percussion, clapped, danced around and more. It was one of the most heart warming things I’ve ever experienced and sums up all that is good about LMN.
Now I write to you from the Wetherspoons at Elephant and Castle. Like a burke, I managed to leave my phone at home this morning so when I arrived early at Elephant and Castle for the gig this morning I popped into the Wetherspoons to use the wifi. Wetherspoons at Elephant and Castle at 9 in the morning is quite an experience I can tell you. People in for a pint, a rant, a fight…imagine the reaction when in troops a man with long hair, a non-regional accent with two instruments and a case who goes up to the bar, orders an orange juice then sits down with his laptop. I am fairly used to feeling the odd one out…but this was quite an example.
Dear all,
Well I don’t think I’ve ever written a blog with as much response, via comments, email or otherwise, as my last one! Thank you very much for a uniformly positive response from it. It was hard to write, and I had a very funny feeling after writing it, but I’m glad I did it and I hope it makes a difference to someone, somewhere.
Anyway, a while since a regular blog so here goes…where have I been? Well I haven’t reported on a belting gig in Knighton at the Haberdashers Arms, a place I hadn’t been since I was 18 when I played at the Middle of Nowhere festival which used to be held there. The gig was really great, a room put aside as the gig venue and a very attentive, responsive and amusing audience resulting in an epic Dan gig of nearly three Continue reading “Sore muscles” →
We are just coming to the end of mental health awareness week. I listened to a very stirring debate on the radio yesterday concerning the dangers of ‘over diagnosis’ in terms of mental health conditions. A leading psychologist Dr Lucy Johnstone, has claimed that we are too quick to label mental health problems as ‘illnesses’ when in fact they are behavioural issues caused by life’s stresses. It’s an interesting debate and I have to say I generally am in agreement with the doctor on this one.
I am extremely glad that we live in an age where it is an acceptable thing to seek help for a mental health problem. The very last thing I wish to imply from my agreement with Johnstone is that I am questioning the validity of mental health problems. They are very real indeed and weeks such as this and the raising of awareness of Continue reading “Whatever you do don’t do nothing” →
Dear all,
The end of a mammoth UK tour has come. Actually it came last weekend but I’ve only just summoned the mental energy to write about it. It was a lot of fun, eventful, varied and insightful all at the same time. As many of you know, Walsh and Pound came to an end towards the end of last year and with the release of ‘The Same But Different’ I decided to launch myself more as a solo artist again after three years spent more duetting than soloing. For various reasons, mostly because last year was such a vile one for me on a personal level, it was getting a little late in the year with 2013 looking a little Continue reading “Two and a bit months, 50 gigs, a city swap, two cancellations and one knackered musician” →
Dear all,
I write to you from Kilkenny where I decided to spend a few hours on my way to Cork for my first ever Irish gig tonight. A lovely story for you:
Fifteen years ago I was on holiday with my parents in this fine city and went to a music shop called Essaness Music. I got a bodhran and a lesson from the chap in the shop. I loved it and I still play the instrument today after being inspired by him that day. Well today I stumbled across the shop again, popped in and lo and behold there he was! He was chuffed to bits at having inspired me. Cheers Frank!
Anywgig the gig in Norwich was an awful lot of fun, as was the ale and whiskey afterwards while Derby was a small but appreciative crowd.
The ferry experience was fun what with a very sweary group of lads oh they were great. Mercifully they popped off to bed before long (it was an overnight ferry). I then had the thrill of driving in Dublin where red lights are a fairly meaningless feature it seems…Anyway I’ve been reminded already how much I love Ireland, have missed it since my family holidays and so respect the friendly and hospitable people that inhabit it. Happy days.