Dear all,
Well here I am at Auckland airport ready to depart for home. I have in fact been ready to depart for some time thanks to the extraordinary cretinousy of Emirates as my flight is delayed by three hours thus buggering up my connection in London so I’m going to be rather late home unfortunately. As you can tell I’m really enjoying hanging about at the airport.
Anyway it does at least give me chance to think of just what a wonderful country I have just spent a month in. I wondered whether it would have that same magic for me as last time and oh my it sure did. I have never felt quite like this at the end of a tour – I’m normally ready to go home and not too fussed about leaving a country even if I’ve liked the place! But this time I can’t deny there is a bit of a tear in my eye about leaving New Zealand. I have met so many wonderful people here and had such Continue reading “Au revoir New Zealand”