Dear all,
Well the Durham special school stuff was fun. It was social, emotional and behavioural difficulties which is quite hard work, especially when a ‘workshop’ with year 9’s actually involves watching them attempt to kill each other, storm out at various intervals and call the teacher a f**king slut among other things…it was hard to watch and I felt desperately sorry for them but there were some kids in that school that really got something out of us being there so it was still very rewarding in a less obvious way!
After that came a gig at Nottingham Playhouse with Will which was really nice, a lovely audience and a good night had by all it seemed. Also a pleasure to see some old friends again who I hadn’t seen in far too long. Then it was a gig with Alan Kelly so more Irish fun and a strangely crap Nancy’s gig with Simma the next night but given how many great nights we’ve had there we can’t really complain.
Relatively quiet on the work front this week until Friday and Saturday when it’s…Paddy’s Day. I hope I’m typing ok my computer is shaking from my excitement…that’s a lie.
Anyway, it is a very bad idea to write a blog this late when I’m tired and talking twaddle even more than normal. Hmm what to say what to say…I have managed to spill three different drinks in my room in the past two days. One of which was a glass of water on my bedside table which I managed to knock off with my hand while I was asleep. That was annoying. Then I spilt orange juice on my desk which was even more annoying because it was bitty orange juice so I had to remove random bits of orange from all sorts of important documents and perhaps more worryingly several electronic items. Like I say I shouldn’t write blogs when I’m tired.